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airborne troops meaning in Hindi

airborne troops sentence in Hindi

विमानवाहित सैनिक
airborne    वातोढ वातानीत
troops    फौज रिसाला सेना
1.In December 1990, he was appointed commander of the Soviet airborne troops.

2.For airborne troops, treated canvas cargo pockets were added to the trousers.

3.Meanwhile, Yeltsin instructed government leaders to halt cuts in Russia's airborne troops.

4.The airborne troops farther north at Arnhem had by now been withdrawn.

5.Russian Airborne Troops and special forces conducted most of the land fighting.

6.On 20 May, Germany launched an invasion of Crete by airborne troops.

7.So the deployment of Army airborne troops from Europe is not now needed.

8.On 1 December 2013, the brigade was transferred to the Russian Airborne Troops.

9.The former airborne troops chief reportedly lost his job because of such opposition.

10.Casualties were heavy on both sides but the airborne troops held.

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How to say airborne troops in Hindi and what is the meaning of airborne troops in Hindi? airborne troops Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.